Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010


What do Nurses mean to you?

Nurses always perceived that they have a great deal to offer that is of value,
They are required in any situation that person experience especially in the illness trajectory,
they have to go on duty, days and night, 24 hours a day, on... and on...
they have to ignore their need of happiness with their own family

Actually.... Nurses are ordinary individuals some as others
they have feelings, and they also have attitudes
they have needs and also have own lifes

They always have to be there and ready to smile, open hands, and clear thought,
Acaring behaviors is mandatory for them, and they have to be an angel and life safer for people in need,
But, untuil the recent years they have not been convinced
that their value is equal to that of other health profession,
moreover they have never been valued as real profession who deserve recognition,
this is because the wrong yardstick has been used to measure the nurses value
Even so, nothing can stop one to become a nurse
And today...hopefully is a good beginning to change the situation
and renew the people's mind set

Prof. Dra. Elly Nurachmah, D.N.Sc
May, 22nd 2004

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